expression of liver

Assalamualaikum for the Muslim's. Hi, today i keep getting angry feelings degrees and keep mouth nag. Bila perasaan asyik nak marah semua perkara hendak buat dok akan jadi, lagilah nok maroh. Please i don't like ok. Sebabnye aku nak maroh, kawan sekelas aku tuu yang talam dua muke. Damaged cake for me. I know that might make the cake look so jealous bcoz i right? You are evil, pure of heart  i don not like friends might like. Sampai hati kau ye, mujur tangan dok terangkat nok tampor. Sabar je, harap kawan sekelas. Buat keje tu nok betul sokmo, takboh saloh sikit, berat mungg, sampai bile mung nok gitu. Manusia biase ahh mesti ade kesilapannye, tapi hakikatnye mung dokleh nk terima kesilapan mung tu..Ce time mung wat keje jadi molek. Ade ke aku kianat ke mg..err dok suke lah perangai gni..Sifat mg tu macam budok2. Suke, perangai, wat keje je? Lek2 pe budok......sory, straight to the point lah.

Ok esok jumaat 27 April. ade kelas Bi by Teacher Juliana Borhanudin. I am the most ferocious teacher. First find teachers like this. Blalala, Dalam seminggu ase2 lah takdok rehat sikit pum.

Lastly, Sorry, you can not steal my heart. Because I am not ready to be loved. The reason, I want to live happy contented first single. Next, I want to love utterly true. Lagi lame kenal lagi bagus kan.


26 April 2012 @ Thursday, April 26, 2012 / 0 daisies

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